金双子纳米棒试剂盒, 不含CTAB(波长650-850 nm), Gold Gemini Nanorods Kit, CTAB Free (Wavelength 650-850 nm)
Solvias Josiphos镍催化剂试剂盒, Solvias Josiphos Nickel Catalyst Kit
Maruoka手性相-转移膦有机催化剂试剂盒, Maruoka Chiral Phase-Transfer Phosphonium Organocatalyst Kit
Garphos 配体套包装, Garphos? Ligand Kit
(S,S)-Duphos和BPE铑催化剂试剂盒用于不对称氢化, (S,S)-Duphos and BPE Rhodium Catalyst Kit for Asymmetric Hydrogenation
不锈钢气泡器,150 ml,水平排列,电解抛光, 带填充口,PCTFE阀杆尖端, Stainless steel bubbler, 150ml, horizontal in line, electropolished with fill-port, PCTFE valve stem tip
布赫瓦尔德钯化合物预催化剂套件, Buchwald Palladacycle Precatalyst Kit 2a (Methanesulfonato-2'-amino-1,1'-biphenyl-2-yl- Palladacycles Gen. 3)
Evonik选择加氢用异构催化剂试剂盒, Evonik Heterogeneous Catalyst Kit for Selective Hydrogenation
Takasago BINAP钌二聚体催化剂试剂盒, Takasago BINAP Ru Dimer Catalyst Kit
EvoluChemTM 光化学甲基化阵列试剂盒, EvoluChem? Photochemical Methylation Array Kit