四氨基钯(II)合四氯化钯(II), Tetraammineplatinum(II) tetrachloroplatinate(II)
金箔, Gold foil
水溶性纳米金, Water Soluble Gold Nanoparticles [AuNP: 5nm (Citrate)]
金 1%附着于挤出二氧化钛, Gold 1% on titanium dioxide extrudates
1,3-双(2,6-二-异丙基苯基)咪唑-2-亚金(I), 1,3-Bis(2,6-di-i-propylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidenegold(I) hydroxide
金纳米粒子, Gold Nanoparticles (400nm diameter, 1 OD, stabilized suspension in phosphate-buffered saline) reactant free
金纳米粒子(50nm,1OD,以0.1mM稳定表面活性剂提供,最大535nm绝对值), Gold Nanoparticles (50nm, 1 OD, supplied in 0.1mM stabilizing surfactant, 535nm abs. max.)
海胆状纳米金(直径70nm, Gold NanoUrchins (70nm diameter
金纳米颗粒, Gold nanoparticles, pure, (<20nm) in water at 500mg/L (surfactant and reactant-free, OD>5, stabilized with < 0.01 mmol/l of citrate)
金纳米粒子柠檬酸钠修饰, Gold nanoparticles