Technical Notes
Mixed alkyl-cyclopentadienyl platinum compound with beneficial precursor properties for the deposition of platinum thin films by CVD and ALD.
1. Inorg. Chem., 1989, 28, 872.
Platinum sponge
六溴铂酸钾, Potassium hexabromoplatinate(IV)
Platinum nanoparticles
水溶性金纳米粒子, Water soluble Gold Nanoparticles [AuNP: 15 nm (Citrate)]
金纳米粒子(5nm直径,1外径,稳定悬浮在磷酸盐缓冲的盐水,515-520纳米,绝对最大)无反应物, Gold Nanoparticles (5 nm diameter, 1 OD, stabilized suspension in phosphate-buffered saline, 515-520 nm abs. max.) reactant free
金纳米粒子, Gold Nanoparticles (70nm diameter, 1 OD, stabilized suspension in phosphate-buffered saline) reactant free
金纳米粒子(40纳米,1 OD,0.1毫米提供稳定的表面活性剂,530 nm的绝对最大值。), Gold Nanoparticles (40nm, 1 OD, supplied in 0.1mM stabilizing surfactant, 530nm abs. max.)
金纳米粒子, Gold nanoparticles with amine surface functional group, 6nm, in water